The story revolves around a high school student Akira Uehara, quite sensitive and somewhat shy, sheepish. He really like violence girls and the most feared school - Nanako Momoi, a girl who if she do not open your mouth , she will be very pretty and delicate, weak.
One day, Momoi not know what reason is absent, the teacher requires a person carrying on her lectures. Everyone in the class push each other, so that Ue hara volunteer to get responsibility for this. When he came Momoi's home,the door was locked and seemingly empty. Uehara sneaked into the house through a secret passage leading to his laboratory Momoi - a mad scientist is always using his nieces test new inventions.
Uehara only intend to save Momoi, but the events that led to the worse situation when Momoi convinced him to use Uehara change to her. Accidents happen when he's Momoi activate a machine, and as a result Momoi and Uehara was swapped for another body.